Shroud is Released

was written and directed by David Jetre and produced by Edgar Pitts.

The film stars Nicole Leigh Jones, G. Russell Reynolds, Morgana Shaw, Charles Baker, Larry Jack Dotson, Chad Briley, Dylan Barth and Jodie Moore.

Read the unabridged version of the script here:

Victoria Celestine (Nicole Leigh Jones) braves a transatlantic journey from Holland to America to search for her missing husband. Accompanied by her young brother Abraham she discovers Shroud—a ghost town deep in the Arizona Territory. There she unravels a conspiracy involving a misplaced Mayor (G. Russell Reynolds), his wife (Morgana Shaw), a renegade marshal (Jodie Moore) and his posse of cruel Confederate defectors.

With history wrapped in superstition and murders masked by myth, Lady Celestine reveals the grisly secret of a dead Spanish Conquistador, a heretic hanged, and the 300-year old Apache legend of an abomination that feeds on innocence.

Production Company: Jetrefilm Entertainment (
Format: NTSC, Dolby, Subtitled
Subtitles: English
Rated: Unrated
Run Time: 101 minutes
Average Customer Review: ★★★★☆ (4 out of 5 stars)

Available on

Available on iTunes: Soon

David Jetre | Creative Director
Sandmerrick, Inc.
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Shroud Facebook Template

2012 Facebook page layout for Jetrefilm Entertainment’s gothic western thriller Shroud starring Nicole Leigh Jones, G. Russell Reynolds, Morgana Shaw, Charles Baker, Larry Jack Dotson and Jodie Moore.

Facebook pages are part of both Sandmerrick, Inc. and Design & Technology Consulting Services’ social media services.

David Jetre | Creative Director
Sandmerrick, Inc.
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Revised Shroud Poster


Mid-resolution insert for Shroud based on the original movie poster.

Poster: Old West v.2
Dimensions: 2000 wide x 3008 tall
Resolution: 240 dpi

Model: Nicole Leigh Jones
Dress by Marty Van Kleeck
Photography by Bryan Chatlien

David Jetre | Creative Director
Sandmerrick, Inc.
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Original Shroud Poster

Full print resolution flyer for Shroud based on the original movie poster.

Poster: Victorian Style v.1
Dimensions: 3600 wide x 5400 tall
Resolution: 300 dpi

Model: Nicole Leigh Jones
Dress by Marty Van Kleeck
Photography by Gayla Partridge

David Jetre | Creative Director
Sandmerrick, Inc.
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Jetrefilm Entertainment Website Updated

Our new site will be up today, Friday, August 5, 2011 and replaces our 2009 site with new properties, updates, and more expansive material.  The site was designed by David Jetre and developed by Edgar Pitts. Contributing photography credits include Gayla Partridge and Bryan Chatlien, both remarkable photographers.

Feature length film properties include Jetrefilm’s debut film Shroud, as well as Dominium, Aldebaran, Where Wolves Lie, Knightsilver,  Hailstone,  The Revengers and the new Andruin of Saarke (same as eBook). Shroud is ©2012  Jetrefilm Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. All other properties are ©2000-2012 David Jetre. All Rights Reserved.

David Jetre | Creative Director
Sandmerrick, Inc.
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Shroud — Set Design “Undercroft Manor”

Given our time table, limited budget and other logistics, we chose to only shoot in two rooms of a lovely Victorian house in Grapevine, Texas.

This location fulfills my First Tenet of Production Design: don’t build a set if you don’t have to.  In short, if there is a great location—use it!  Don’t go through the effort of building what someone has already built for you.

Undercroft’s Manor was perfect with the old style patterned wallpaper and even the textured ceiling, along with the proper color palette and of course, my favorite, textures.  Small, the room made our camera choices for us, afforded us symmetry and brought an intimacy to the conversations within it.

One of the plot devices in Shroud are all the black and white family photos that festoon the Victorian furniture.  In the script Victoria (Nicole Leigh Jones) notices them, and mistakes them for Mayor Undercroft’s (G. Russell Reynolds) relatives, when in fact they are stolen family heirlooms of his victims.

This room posed a slight problem with a sun-face window that we had to dim, but other than that the room was richly appointed, and with only a few additions of props, was an excellent location for Victoria’s pivotal encounter both with Lady Undercroft (Morgana Shaw) and Mayor Undercroft, later revealed to be the three-hundred year old child-killer Cinecusa.

David Jetre | Creative Director
Sandmerrick, Inc.
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